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Careers in Environment!

Ananya Sarma

Do you want to study the environment in the future but unsure of the scope it holds? This article covers careers in this area that can level up your confidence while choosing this planet saving subject <3

Is it worth taking an environment as a degree/career?

The answer is subjective and depends on the students’ interests but this surely is a new and emerging field in demand currently considering the turmoil we are facing because of climate change, global warming, and a lot of other things resulting from it like unprecedented disasters, uninformed change in weather/seasons, loss of habitats for different species etc. If you are passionate about the scientific causes underlying it, want to find solutions, or just simply assist people in policymaking, laws and management of resources then this path could be for you!


What are the courses that you can take under the environment?

  • Environmental management/resource management

  • Environment architecture/design

  • Environmental science

  • Soil science

  • Botany

  • Environmental law

  • Sustainability studies

  • Environment studies

  • And a lot more science (specifically biology+chemistry) related courses are offered by universities under environment

Where can they take you?

There are a lot of possibilities but we will be listing a few in detail, to learn more you could look up to job hiring/networking sites

  1. Environmental engineer -

  • Work on projects for environmental protection, these people make survey communities and make reports for the same purpose

  • Issues related to waste management, water, climate, pollution and a lot other factors are managed by them to better human health and well-being

  • A combination of science subjects help them make their decisions

2. Environmental scientists -

  • Their expertise in scientific and strategic research, analysation, planning helps understanding what's impacting the environment so as to develop solutions for the same

3. Consultant (similar sustainability adviser/environment manager)

  • They assist companies, organisations and different stakeholders on policies, procedures, rules and regulations to ensure they follow them.

  • Big companies have different agreements and the laws guide such markets to comply to environment concerns hence consultants help businesses understand threats, solutions and ways to build their brand around it

4. Ecologists

  • Helping employers, companies, government agencies etc. understand their surroundings, habitats of different organisms by

  • They do so by investigating, observing, surveying and recording the ecosystems and relative data found in that area

5. Hydrologist

  • As the name hydro suggests, they deal with water concerns such as pollution, purity, sanitation and availability across areas

  • In case of shortage, pollution, threats around water they study the issue at hand and the context to provide solutions

6. Geographer

  • The name gives it off on this one as well, studying the planet and the connection of it with the human population by focusing on their activities that might cause harm to the natural environment

7. Biologists

  • Different biologists from marine, wildlife to micro observe animals, microorganisms and sea creatures to understand the impact of human activity on their lives, how they interact with the environment and how this research can help in preserving such ecosystems, maintaining biodiversity and lessen the harm on their end.

8. Environmental law

  • A little similar to consultants, environmental lawyers look after the laws, legal procedures and policies around this area

  • This helps businesses, nonprofits and governmental bodies to ensure that our resources and our impact align with the policies

9. Environmental education

  • Providing awareness is one of the biggest ways to solve the environment problem, most people aren’t educated in this sector and that’s where environmental education can spread the word on the issues, how to deal with it, the science and social policy behind it. This increases action to mitigate climate change.

10. Environmental geology

  • Environment geologists learn about the different matters, disasters and how they affect the people, plants and animals on the Earth and also on other planets.

11. Forester

  • Foresters of course deal with forests by ensuring these spaces sustain. They do so by creating more area and growing more trees in these spaces.

  • The wildlife in these forests are also preserved and protected by giving these forests the necessary conservation for their livelihood.

Some other careers in environment:

  • Impact assessment scientist

  • Aviation and wildlife consultant

  • Bushland conservation officer

  • Soil carbon researcher

  • Toxicology consultant

  • GIS scientist

  • Customer engagement specialist

  • Environmental planner

  • Resource recovery manager

  • Environmental assessment and compliance consultant

  • Energy and sustainability professional

  • Greenhouse worker

  • Recycling worker

~ Ananya Sarma



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