It's very obvious that water is essential for any living being to sustain themself. Young gardeners (here I mean people who are new to gardening) often complain about yellowing leaves. Even after taking proper care of the plant, they face this issue. But why? This is because of under or over watering. The confusion of watering needs can lead to yellowing of leaves, if a plant is under watered, its leaves turn yellow and eventually fall off. Over-watering leads to leaves turning soggy and yellow, This can also lead to root rot which isn't easy to deal with even for someone who is experiences with gardening. A good way to differentiate whether it is a case of over or under watering is by touching the leaves. If the leaves feel like paper, it is a case of under watering. If the leaves feel soggy or mushy, the plant has been over-watered. If you are under watering, understand the watering needs of your plants and water accordingly. If you are over-watering your plants, you guessed it, sunlight (*angelic music plays*) is the best solution to soggy and mushy leaves.
So how do I avoid such situations Arshiya? Read on!

During my research, I came across one principle every gardener swears by:
Its not about how much you water, but how frequent you water.
This means, the more frequently you water plants that don't need it, the more prone they are to rotting of their roots. So, if I water my succulent too much, quantity wise, it would be better than watering it every day. The sooner you realize this, the better. As an over-enthusiastic gardener, I have over-watered my plants multiple times. This is common and it's okay. With time, we will understand the needs of our plants. It is imperative to remember that different plants have different watering needs. For example, plants like Pothos or Devil Ivy or in layman terms "Money Plant". Spider plants require a lot of water to thrive. Can you believe I overwatered a spider plant??? On the other end of the spectrum, succulents or dessert plants have adapted to conditions of water scarcity and so their needs differ. If you're a beginner, its best to ask the people who run their own Plant Nurseries. They are your experts!
Pro tip! Use the "finger-method". Poke your finger 1-2 inches deep and if the soil is wet then don't water your plant any further but if its dry, then you know its time for another shower!
Believe it or not watering the “wrong” way exists. If you’re watering enough, water should come out of the drainage hole. This helps us to know if water has reached the roots or not. Please tell me all your plants have drainage hole, if they don’t DRILL THEM. What I’m trying to explain is that, it is necessary for the pots to have a drainage hole at the bottom so that excess water can drain out. This is very essential. If there is no drainage hole, root rot is probable. So, before purchasing a pot always check for drainage holes at the bottom. The bigger the pot is, the more drainage holes it needs. Smaller pots can do with less holes at the bottom because they lose water quicker as a result of their size.

Watering from a height can lead to disfigurement of the soil. Honestly man, stop being lazy and stop ruining the aesthetics of your plants. Instead invest in a watering can. Or you can pour water on your hand over the soil, this helps even out the pressure.
If our topic is water, we HAVE to talk about humidity. Plants love humidity, especially ferns, snake plants, spider plants and peace lilies. To create humidity, you can take a tray and put some rocks in it. Then fill it with water, keep your potted plant on it and voila! Its done! You can also invest in a humidifier, that does all the work for you. Many people mist plants for humidity too. This works too but there is a difference between fine mist and spray. Excess of water on the leaves, especially in winters, sometimes leads to leaf rot too. And there is no reversing that. So always do your research before experimenting.
I hope this was of great help to you!
Coming up next with: Light and Fertilizer Requirements. Feel free to ask any questions!
Until then,
Arshiya Joshi <3